EEVY LLC © 2025 All rights reserved.
Payment by proforma invoice,
Payment upon delivery,
Payment by credit card Visa, Mastercard, American Express,
You can return the product within 30 days.
If you think that the device is defective or not working, please send it to the head office of our company, where we will determine if the device was damaged by the user or if it is a factory defect. The device comes with a 24-month warranty.
You can submit your order here.
The package includes a tracker, activated SIM card (with a trial period of 14 days), access to the online platform and a mobile application.
After the 14-day trial period has expired, you must renew the subscription by logging into the online interface and renewing the subscription.
After subscription expiration or termination, all telemetry data is automatically deleted. User gets automated mail for subscription expiry prior expiration date.
This depends on the device and GSM signal. The transmission or refresh interval can be from 5 to 30 seconds.
Yes, the tracker does not need the app to operate. You can view the data on the online application.
No, GPS tracking is provided by the device, the phone only receives the data and displays them in the application.
You can use the device in all vehicles that support a connection to the OBD II connector or the battery.
It is slightly more difficult on a bicycle because the device requires a constant power supply; on a motorcycle, you can connect the FMT100 device to the battery.
Depending on the chosen device; you can purchase devices that enable the desired functions here.
You are not modifying the vehicle when you install the device, connect it to the battery or to the OBD II connector.
When the vehicle is switched off, the device monitors movements via the G sensor. If it detects that the vehicle has moved and is not turned on, it will send you a notification if you have this option enabled. This does not mean that your car is stolen; it can also mean that someone hit your vehicle in the parking lot.
You can simply connect device FMT100 and FMC130 to the vehicle battery, while other devices can be connected to the OBD II connector.
The device can be connected to any vehicle with a battery or OBD II connector.
The device uses very little power, so it generally has no significant affect on the battery. If the vehicle is parked for more than 30 days, we recommend starting the engine to charge the battery.
The device has to be connected, and it needs to have a GPS and GSM signal. The GSM signal is also displayed on the mobile app; if the device does not have a GSM connection, it has an internal memory where it stores data, which it then sends when it gets online access.
Unfortunately, no. The package is designed as a turnkey solution. The device, SIM card, and tracking app.
You can check out coverage here.
You can use tracking online (all devices that support online access) or on a mobile app for Android and iOS.
The On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) connector is used by service technicians to get vehicle service information. It is usually located under the dashboard, where the fuses are located.
All devices have the same functionality, so it is your choice.
We offer free notification via e-mail and push messages.
SMS and voice calls are a service that you have to purchase separately.
Using the app, you can turn the device on or off, e.g. a submersible pump, open the garage door, turn it on or off.
Activation/deactivation of submersible pump (nautical vessels)
Monitoring inputs (nautical – solar panels)
Scenarios where it is necessary to activate and monitor the status of devices via digital and analogue inputs and outputs
The sensor can be used at a location or in vehicles where you need to monitor humidity and temperature.
If you use the sensor as a standalone device, you can view the humidity and temperature parameters via the Teltonika EYE APP mobile application. Android, iOS.
If you want the history of the above data and notification services, e.g. if the temperature falls below a certain limit, you must use a tracking device, which does not need to be installed in a vehicle, but can be installed on a permanent 12V power supply, e.g. monitoring business or agricultural facilities.
Depending on the frequency of data transmissions, even up to 5 years. You can find the specifications here.
If you do not disclose your username and password, the data cannot be accessed.
Communications between the devices, the server and the application are properly protected and encrypted. You can read more about it here.
Telemetry data older than one year is automatically deleted. If you want the data to be stored for a longer period, please contact us.